Community Benefit Fund
Grants to charities, businesses and community organisations between £500 to £10,000
The Community Benefit Fund to support charitable projects, businesses and community organisations which have the potential to deliver projects which are relevant to the needs of the communities in the area of benefit and provide a clear Community Benefit, awards of £500 to £10,000 can be considered, larger amounts can be considered. This fund incorporates an allocation to maintain the objectives of the former Small Grants Programme.
Community Benefit Fund criteria and Eligibility
The Community Benefit Fund (CBF) This fund is administered by the Ray Windfarm Fund CIC. It is open to charities, businesses and organisations who are able to deliver tangible community benefit relevant to the needs of the communities in the area of benefit.
- Applicants must normally have a formal constitution, but small grants, with a minimum of £500 up to a maximum of £10,000 may be made to enable individuals and organisations to undertake clearly defined projects of benefit to the community.
- All applications are a two-stage process the first of which is to complete an enquiry form. Applicants will receive an acknowledgement within 10 days which will indicate the next date for consideration of applications.
- It is expected that the CIC Board will meet on up to six occasions a year to consider applications.
What Can Be Funded?
What Can’t Be Funded?
We are sorry, but there are some things we are not allowed to fund:
- contributions to general appeals or circulars
- religious activity which is not for wider public benefit
- political activity
- public bodies to carry out their statutory obligation
- activities which solely support animal welfare
- activities which have already taken place
- grant making by other organisations
- privately owned and profit-distributing companies or limited partnership
- any activities likely to bring the reputation of Vattenfall or the Community Foundation into disrepute.